Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 Cutest Dog Breed

There is nothing cuter than little furry animals. I like both cats and dogs, but I wanted to list the cutest dog breeds. Of course, there are many other cute dogs, but I personally like medium to smaller dogs.
1. Chihuahua

(Image by apdk on flickr)
Pointy ears with skinny small body. Chihuahuas are adorable. They were once famous by Taco Bell commercials,  and continue to show us their cuteness through pictures and videos. Although they are small, they are quite fierce and strong. If the owner let them, they could become a little tyrant at home.

2. Corgie

The Shugborough Corgie
Image by stuart001uk on flickr
Known as the Queen Elizabeth II's faithful companion, corgies are lovely medium size dog. Very good nature and friendly, they are great as family pets.

3. Miniature Doberman
 Image by glenn_e_wilson on flickr

Doberman looks quite scary if you don't know them, but have you seen the miniature version of them? They are just so cute! 


  1. I love these collection of cute dog breeds. You may also include some crossbred dogs like Schnauzer, Spoodle, Schnoodle, Cavoodle, etc. They are totally adorable!

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