Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Study Math Before the Test

I always liked mathematics and did well in school, but many people are having difficulties. Lots of people say that they "hate" math and they will tell you how much they hate it. I just think that they might have done wrong preparation for the math tests at school. I don't think everyone can be good at math, but I think they can do better if they prepared differently.
I think the mistake in preparing for math test is to focus on "memorizing" instead of "solving new problems". For some other subjects, people memorize things than actually doing, and memorization of the subject could give them good enough marks to pass, but math is all about solving.
So, here's the list of things you should do to prepare for the test.
  1. Memorize theorems and formulas --- That is the only thing you really have to memorize.
  2. Solve questions you have never seen --- Your brain needs practice. It is easy to follow what was done before by reviewing, but that doesn't prepare you well enough for the test. You need to have bunch of questions, including challenging ones.
  3. Sleep well the night before the test.
That's it. It worked for me, and hope it works for you, too.

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