Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Canadian Twenty Dollar Bill

This year Canadian bank notes are updated to polymer from the paper notes. They first issued a hundred dollar bill, then fifty dollar bill, and this month, they issued twenty dollar bills. It has more security features and they hope to eliminate counterfeit Canadian money. Counterfeiting of Canadian money is very high in international standard and increased six times between year 2000 to 2004. The security features of the new money are extremely difficult to copy.

A hundred dollar bill is mostly brown, a fifty dollar bill is red, and a twenty dollar bill is green. These are basically the same in old bills, but for some reason, my husband complained that he couldn't see the twenty dollar bill very well. He is colour blind. So there maybe something difficult for colour blind person to see this bill. So I removed the colour from the picture.
 O.K, it is slightly hard to see without colours, but I don't see that much difficulties with colourless version.
 What do you think?

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